Teamsy Launcher


Teamsy Launcher is a standalone Launcher for Microsoft Teams. It has the same functionality as Teamsy and it does not require to use an external Application Launcher like Launchy or Executor to run.

Note: the Launcher feature is also included in Teams Shortcuts. So, if you already use Teams Shortcuts, you don’t need to install the Teamsy Launcher. But if you don’t want to use the other features included in Teams Shortcuts, you can use the Teamsy Launcher alone.

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Teamsy Launcher is a available as small standalone .exe application. Download link

You can also run it from its AutoHotkey source TeamsyLauncher.ahk provided you take all the dependencies/ downlad the full repository.

Contrary to Teamsy it does not require any third-party launcher application to run but includes a Launcher.

How to use

Simply run TeamsyLauncher (ahk or exe). When it is running the first time, you shall configure a hotkey to start the launcher. Right-Click on the System Tray Icon and go to Settings->Launcher Hotkey. (I like to use Win+Space)

Running the Hotkey will open an input dialog box where you can type the commands to be sent to the Microsoft Teams Client. You can also run the Launcher by double-clicking on the System Tray icon.

List of supported commands/ Keywords

The list of supported commands/ keywords are the same as for Teamsy.

This is implemented in the main associated library Lib/Teamsy.ahk Here you can find the syntax for keywords and command. (I hope the code is clear enough.)

Feature Highlights

See Teamsy

YouTube Playlist

Source Code

The main ahk file is TeamsyLauncher.ahk.

The keywords and commands are implemented in Lib/Teamsy.ahk

The main associated library is Lib/Teams.ahk.

