Teams Meeting Reactions Shortcuts

Short Description

Teams Shortcuts PowerTool allows to send Teams Meeting reactions from a Launcher or Hotkey. It is based on AutoHotkey UI Automation Library.


How to use

You can run the Meeting reactions using the Launcher with the keywords as defined in Lib/Teamsy.ahk. Current keywords as of date of documentation (might not be consistent with current implementation):

Keyword Reaction
li, like Like
lol, la, laugh Laugh
he, heart,lo Heart, Love
ap, clap Applause
su Surprised

This make it so much easier to LOL in a meeting (click to enlarge):

Teams Meeting Reaction LOL

Live reactions with Audio

See Teams Audio Effects

You can combine built-in live reactions with additional audio effects.

Teams Meeting Reaction LOL


This feature is implemented in /ahk/Lib/Teams.ahk -> Teams_MeetingReaction (function)

Potential improvements

I could also add configurable global hotkeys for such actions but I find it much easier to run from the launcher via a natural command or keyword.