PowerTools Bundler Changelog
- 2023-09-28
- 2021-03-19
- Default configuration renamed from Public to Default and set as Default selected one.
- 2021-02-01
- Added Mute PowerTool
- Change Teamsy icon
- 2021-01-29
- Restore: Add Teamsy to Startup
- 2021-01-19
- Improved Config handling. Load config will update Ini file. Possibility to load from Ini File. Set&Load Config merged into 1 menu: Load Config.
- 2021-01-19
- Exclude Teamsy from Startup
- 2021-01-18
- 2020-12-08
- Revert back Help links for Config = Conti. (Redirect internal documentation to ext.)
- 2020-11-23
- Added Tweet Feature (dev mode)
- 2020-10-30
- 2020-10-26
- Add Open Bundler Changelog Menu in Help Menu
- 2020-10-22
- Fix: wrong icon displayed if one tool/item in the list is missing
- 2020-10-20
- Check for update: issue warning if connected via VPN
- 2020-10-19
- Added Settings menu
- MO is only visible for Conti Config
- 2020-07-10
- Add in Actions open Changelog and Help
- 2020-10-01